Prof. Urszula Stachewicz and dr Krzysztof Berniak during aMAD-Nano24: Madeira International Conference on Emerging Trends and Future of Nanomaterials for Human Health in Funchal, Madeira Island, organized by the Madeira Chemistry Research Centre (CQM) of the University of Madeira (28th – 30th, November 2024). Dr Daniel P. Ura during the International Symposium on Fiber Science and Technology 2024 in Kyoto, Japan (25th – 28th November 2024).Joanna A. Karbowczniek received a „The Best Teacher” award in the AGH University of Krakow (20th November 2024)Electrospun Fibers Group hosting the 8th-grade students of the European College – European Private Primary School at Kraków in our Bio-laboratory (4th November 2024)Electrospun Fibers Group during a trip in Czorsztyn and Niedzica Castle, and Dunajec River – Tatry, Poland (4th – 6th September 2024)Prof. Urszula Stachewicz, Joanna Knapczyk-Korczak, Piotr K. Szewczyk, and Daniel P. Ura during a meeting with the President of the European Research Council (ERC), Professor Maria Leptin in Warsaw, Poland (23th September 2024).Piotr K. Szewczyk and Michał Kopacz during the 11th Torunian Carbon Symposium in Toruń, Poland (15th – 18th September 2024).Prof. Urszula Stachewicz (as a plenary speaker) during a 2024 International Symposium on Advanced Bionics (ISAB 2024) organized by The International Society of Bionic Engineering from Jilin University, Changchun, China (10th-13th September 2024)Prof. Urszula Stachewicz, Joanna Karbowniczek and Piotr K. Szewczyk visiting a Yonglun Luo group and DREAM lab and iNano at Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark. (30th August 2024)Joanna Karbowniczek and Krzysztof Berniak during a European Microscopy Congress 2024 in Copenhagen, Denmark . (25th – 30th August 2024)Group outing at AGH Brewery. (18th July 2024)Master thesis defense of Kasia Marszalik at AGH University of Krakow. (12th July 2024)Monica Nabil Gayed Ibrahim from the Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU) has joined our group for a COST Association – European Cooperation in Science and Technology Short Term Scientific Mission (CA22161 Flavoursome), under the supervision of Prof. Urszula Stachewicz. (1st – 31th July 2024)Prof. Urszula Stachewicz during a 5th International Conference on Biomedical Polymers & Polymeric Biomaterials (ICBPPB 2024) in Shanghai, Donghua University, China, (7-9th July, 2024)Prof. Urszula Stachewicz visiting Prof. Haijun He group at Engineering Research Center for Knitting Technology, Ministry of Education, College of Textile Science and Engineering, Jiangnan University, China. (6th July 2024)Thank you to everyone who participated in and contributed to the success of Electrospin2024 organized by Electrospun Fibers Group at AGH University of Krakow! (25-28th June, 2024)Electrospun Fibers Group presentations at 8th International Conference on Electrospinning Electrospin2024 (25 – 28th June, 2024)Electrospun Fibers Group at poster session at 8th International Conference on Electrospinning Electrospin2024 (26th June, 2024)Daniel P. Ura, PhD and Piotr K. Szewczyk participated in the meeting of the FNP Foundation for Polish Science Scholars Club at Cracow University of Technology, Kraków, Poland. (17th May, 2024).Martyna Polak and Michał Kopacz during a PhoBiA Annual Nanophotonic International Conference – PANIC 2024 at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Wroclaw, Poland. (15-17th May, 2024).Prof. Urszula Stachewicz during a Faculty Conference Celebrating Metallurgist Day at AGH University of Krakow, Kraków, Poland. (8-10th May, 2024).Prof. Urszula Stachewicz during a 7th European Symposium on Electrohydrodynamic Atomization and Electrospinning (ESEE2024) in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands, (24-26th April, 2024)Prof. Urszula Stachewicz during an ACS Spring Meeting 2024 in New Orleans, USA (17-21th March 20240MATUR project meeting in collaboration with University of Ostrava at AGH – University of Krakow, Poland. (4th March, 2024)Online PhD viva of Gregory Parisi at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) Troy, NY USA. Congratulations! (27th February 2024)
Christmas group outing at Ciuciu Sugar Artist and Smakołyki Restaurant and AGH Bowling Club. (11th December 2023)Urszula Stachewicz, Piotr K. Szewczyk, Joanna Karbowniczke, and Nagalekshmi Uma Thanu Krishnan Neela during a MeraNET project meeting in Izmir, Turkey, with our colleagues from Prof. Aylin Sendemir group at EGE University and Prof. Nesrin Horzum Izmir Kâtip Çelebi University, Turkey (6-8th December 2023).Congratulations to Katarzyna Marszalik (2nd from the left) for the 2nd place at the 64th St. Barbara Conference of AGH Student Scientific Circles in the Chemistry and Materials Engineering section with the presentation entitled: „Fog water collection using electrospun mats based on hydrophilic and hydrophobic polymer fibers” Katarzyna is MSc student working on her master thesis in our group (7th December 2023).Group outing at AGH Brewery and AGH Bowling Club. (23th November 2023)Prof. Urszula Stachewicz received a special award from the Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys due to an „Inventor with passion” competition (From the left is Robert Klisowski, on the right is Patrycja Rosół) (9th, November,2023)Joanna A. Karbowczniek received an „The Best Teacher” award in the AGH University of Krakow (9th, November 2023)Martyna Polak with Short-Term Scientific Mission of Aerogels COTS Action at Politecnico di Torino under the supervision of dr Marta Gallo in the research group of professor Barbara Onida (SMAC – SUPERCRITICAL FLUID AND MATERIALS CHEMISTRY) (9th – 20th, October 2023, Turin, Italy). Dr Stoja Milovanovic (University of Belgrade, Serbia) presenting a lecture about „Application of supercritical carbon dioxide for the processing of polymers in the form of nanofibers, textiles, films, foams, and aerogels” at AGH University of Krakow. (11th, October 2023).Martyna Polak during a „Kuźnia Młodych Talentów” organized by Academy of Young Scholar Polish Academy of Science in Warsaw, Poland. (8th – 10th September, 2023) Urszula Stachewicz, Kasia Kurek and Daniel P. Ura during a MATUR project meeting in VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic. (6th September, 2023)Joanna Knapczyk-Korczak during a 36th European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS36) in Lodz, Poland. (28th August – 1st September, 2023)Urszula Stachewicz at the 9th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection, and Dew in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. (July 23th-28th, 2023)Group outing at AGH Brewery. (13th July 2023)Group outing combined with Greg Parisi’s farewell at the end of his Fulbright fellowship in our group. (30th June 2023)PhD viva of Ewa A. Sroczyk. (26th June 2023) Daniel P. Ura and Piotr K. Szewczyk at the ceremony of receiving the FNP START2023 award.A visit of Attila Gergely, PhD (SAPIENTIA University) as part of the ERASMUS+ program financed by the European Union. (12th – 16th June, 2023)Madhurima Das and Sunija Sukumaran during a 38th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society (PPS-38) in St. Gallen, Switzerland (22th -26th May 2023).
Our group during ESEE2023 Conference at AGH, Kraków. (10th – 12th May 2023)Katarina Kacvinská from Central European Institute of Technology (part of Brno University of Technology) in Czech Republic joining our team for a 3-month internship (April 2023).The First National Day of Materials Engineering at AGH, Krakow (17th March 2023).
Larisaa Ribeiro from Universidade Federal de Itajubá (UNIFEI) in Brazil is joining our team for a 3-month internship (February 2023).
Christmas group outing at Błonia Bistro Restaurant and AGH Bowling Club. (December2022)Urszula Stachewicz speaking during Korea-EU CSO Gender Equality Outreach Event – Encouraging participation of women in Science and Technology, Soul, South Korea (29th November 2022)Urszula Stachewicz visiting the School of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea (28th November 2022)Urszula Stachewicz, Piotr K. Szewczyk and Daniel P. Ura during a 7th International Conference on Electrospinning (Electrospin2022) conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malysia (22 – 24th October 2022)Arrival of the Ultra microtome Leica EM UC7 and the training with Łukasz Remez and Wojciech Kołakowski from Pik Instruments in our laboratory. (14th November 2022)PhD viva of Łukasz Kaniuk. (7th November 2022)
Gregory Parisi from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York in USA is joining our team for a 9-month internship within Fulbright Program. (October 2022)
Urszula Stachewicz and Joanna Karbowniczek during a Seventh International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials in Genoa, Italy. (19 -22th October)PhD viva of Zuzanna Krysiak. (17th October 2022) Zuzanna Krysiak and Urszula Stachewicz presenting the First Team Nano4Skin project results at the 4th Interdisciplinary FNP Conference in Warsaw, Poland (6th – 7th October).Adam Aberra Challa from Tomas Bata University in Zlin in Czech Republic is joining our team for 1-month short term scientific mission within COST Action Context (CA17107). (October 2022)Urszula Stachewicz and Martyna Polak at 1st Baltic Symposium on Polymer and (Bio)Materials Science – Baltic BioMa at Szczecin, Poland (22th – 23th September).Urszula Stachewicz, Ewa Sroczyk, Ahmadreza Moradi and Ali Emre Tasli at 12th International Conference “Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties” IEEE in Kraków, Poland. (11th – 16th September 2022)Krzysztof Berniak during a ESB2022, the 32nd Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB) in Bordeaux, France (4th – 8th September 2022)Martyna Polak, Ahmadreza Moradi and Ali Emre Taşlı during a Materials and Electro-Mechanical and Biomedical Devices Based on Nanofibers Advanced School in Udine, Italy (18th – 22th July 2022)Ahmadreza Moradi, Piotr K. Szewczyk and Daniel P. Ura during a the 6th Stanisław Gorczyca European School on Electron Microscopy and Tomography in Krakow, Poland (12th – 15th July 2022)Joanna Karbowniczek and Martyna Polak during a TERMIS-EU conference at Krakow, Poland. (28th June – 1st July, 2022)PhD student Ewa Sroczyk during her visit at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, USA within The Bekker NAWA Programme in the group of Prof. Gregory Rutledge (May-September 2022) PhD promotion of Sara Metwally, Joanna Knapczyk-Korczak, Piotr K. Szewczyk and Daniel P. Ura at AGH University of Science and Technology (22th of June, 2022)Zuzanna Krysiak and Martyna Polak during a „Aerogels for biomedical application” Training School at Leaven, Belgium (7th – 10th June, 2022)Dr Joanna Karbowniczek at University of Birmingham, UK within our collaboration with Dr Felicity de Cogan and Dr Manuel Banzhaf. (April 2022)Within our collaboration with Prof. Shweta Agarwala, PhD student Zuzanna Krysiak is visiting Aarhus University in Denmark. (April 2022)A visit of Prof. Eyal Zussman (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, NanoEngineering Group) as part of the AGH doctoral school program financed by the NAWA project. (4th – 6th May, 2022)Urszula Stachewicz, Piotr Szewczyk, Joanna Knapczyk-Korczak and Daniel Ura attending 5th European Symposium on Electrohydrodynamic Atomization and Electrospinning in Engineering School of the University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy. (27th – 29th of April, 2022)Our Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science at AGH University is 100 years old. On this occasion we were invited to the Jubilee performance at Bagatela Theater in Kraków. (3rd April 2022) Group outing to Visual Concert in Tauron Arena and MultiQulti Bar. (28th February 2022)The arrival of the new electrospinning machine and the training with Marcin Lamczyk from Pik Instruments in our laboratory. (10th January 2022)
Group outing at Obwarzanki Krakowskie Muzeum and Dobra Kasza Nasza restaurant. (9th December 2021) PhD viva of Daniel P. Ura and celebration party at Filutek Pub. (3rd December 2021) Department seminar from Łukasz Kaniuk with the recent results from her PhD research. (30th November 2021) Department seminar from Zuzanna Krysiak with the recent results from her PhD research. (23th November 2021)Group outing at Veganic Restaurant. (October 2021)Welcome new group members joining the ERC BioCom4SavEn project. (October 2021)PhD viva of Joanna Knapczyk-Korczak and celebration party at Filutek Pub. (14th October 2021) New scanning thermal microscopy module for our Nanosurf Core AFM has arrived. The training with Marcin Lamczyk from Pik Instruments. (29th July, 2021)Now our lab is equipped with a new Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer. The installation and training provided by Spectro-Lab. (28th July, 2021)Our cell culture lab has now a new fluorescence microscope from Leica Microsystems. The installation and training provided by KAWA.SKA. (27th July, 2021)PhD viva of Piotr K. Szewczyk. (11th July, 2021)An article about our research in The Guardian magazine.Meeting of the organizing committee after school of „Advanced Technologies for the processing and characterization of nanostructured materials” (AERoGELS – COST Action 18125) (July 2021) in Kufle i Widelce (Kraków).Behind a scence of the organizing committee during a school of „Advanced Technologies for the processing and characterization of nanostructured materials” (AERoGELS – COST Action 18125) (July 2021) in AGH (Kraków).
Group photo taken with a thermal camera, purchased for an ERC project (BioCom4SavEn) (June 2021).
Group lunch at BGH AGH in Cracow (June 2021). PhD viva of Sara Metwally. (February 2021)
Inspired by nature by Pionier.TV. Mini documentary about research conducted in our group
New laboratoryMoving to the new lab.
Visit of Prof. Alexander Yarin from University of Illinois at Chicago who delivered excellent talk about „Self-Healing Nano-Textured Vascular Engineering Materials”. Details here.Biolab after transformation
Rebuilding of the biolab
Group lunch at Ramen People and Resto Bar in Cracow (before pandemic) (April and June 2019).
„How to catch water droplet” by Urszula Stachewicz – TEDxAGHUniversity in Cracow 2018 (in Polish)